The world’s first AMR controller blue book was launched

At present, with the promotion of intelligent manufacturing, mobile robots, controllers and other related upstream and downstream industries have entered a stage of rapid development, making remarkable achievements in market construction, service capabilities, infrastructure, integrated applications, etc.


As a key component of robot, AMR controller dominates the technical iteration of mobile robot, and more and more manufacturers join the AMR controller track. However, the market research on AMR controllers is relatively decentralized and marginal, and there is no systematic cognition and analysis.


In order to help market participants better understand the market development trend and future development trend of AMR controllers, on December 22, at the 2022 China Mobile Robot (AGV/AMR) Industry Development Annual Conference, the Mobile Robot (AGV/AMR) Industry Alliance launched, The Blue Book for the Development of Special Controller Products for Industrial Application Mobile Robots (AGV/AMR) (Version 2022) (hereinafter referred to as the “Blue Book”), which was jointly published and co edited by Xiangong Intelligent, was officially released!

The Blue Book shows the current market environment and development status of AMR controllers to the industry from four aspects of product definition, market analysis, trend analysis and enterprise analysis, and interprets the future development trend of AMR controllers from five dimensions, helping the controller industry find new breakthrough points in the future market development

Post time: Dec-26-2022